
Howmuchcouldyousave?·Switchoffstandby·Draught-proofwindowsanddoors·Turnofflights·Carefulwithyourwashing·Avoidthetumbledryer·Spend ...,Turningoffdevicesliketelevisions,speakers,videogamesconsolesandcomputerswhenwedon'tneedthemcanhelpsaveenergy.,Savemoneyandenergyathome.Learnwaystosaveenergyanduseclean,renewableenergytechnologiesathome.,Don'tpayforwhatyou'renotusing.Switchoffappliancesatthewallt...

Quick tips to save energy at home

How much could you save? · Switch off standby · Draught-proof windows and doors · Turn off lights · Careful with your washing · Avoid the tumble dryer · Spend ...

Why do we need to save energy?

Turning off devices like televisions, speakers, video games consoles and computers when we don't need them can help save energy.

Energy Saver

Save money and energy at home. Learn ways to save energy and use clean, renewable energy technologies at home.

How to save energy and reduce your electricity bill

Don't pay for what you're not using. Switch off appliances at the wall to save energy. Remember to switch off computers, kitchen appliances and other utilities ...

Top 10 energy saving tips

Top 10 energy saving tips Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ... Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ... Shut doors and close curtains. ... Save energy in how you wash and dry clothes. ... U

Energy Saving tips

Keep to a four to six-hour filtering cycle every 24 hours in winter. Keep to two six-hour filtering cycles every 24 hours in summer.

Saving Energy

Boil water in volume to just meet the consumption needs. Store any surplus hot water into a thermal pot. Avoid using the keep-warm function of an electric pot.

10 tips for saving energy in your home

Turning down the flow temperature on your combi boiler to 60°C or below can knock £££s off your heating bill each year and reduce energy waste from your home.

Easy Ways to Save Energy at Home

Easy Ways to Save Energy at Home · 1. Turn things off. · 2. Buy smarter bulbs. · 3. Don't use more energy than you need. · 4. Tweak your TV ...